
Elementor是目前最受欢迎的WordPress页面构建器之一。 数以百万计的人使用它来帮助他们创建出色的网站。 但是,并非所有主题都能与Elementor完美配合。幸运的是,有许多主题可以与页面构建器完美地结合在一起-只需找到它们即可。 将这些主题与Elementor模板结合使用,无论您从事哪种类型的项目,您都可以拥有一个出色的网站。


在本节中,我们重点介绍主题的免费版本,因此您可以直接使用Elementor进行测试。 不过请记住-大多数主题还包括高级版本,如果您觉得需要高级版本,请自行购买。

1. Layers


If you’ve been around for a while, you know the Layers theme used to include its own page builder tool. Now, Layers has been revamped and is part of the family of Elementor-friendly themes.The result is a theme that enables you to customize every little aspect of its style using Elementor, which is ideal if you’re all about pixel-perfect design.

2. Sydney


The Sydney theme is perfect for businesses that want a clean, modern look for their websites. It includes several custom building blocks for Elementor, including gorgeous Our Team sections that enable you to showcase all the talent within your business.

3. GeneratePress


GeneratePress bills itself as a ‘lightweight’ WordPress theme, which is to say, it’s all about performance. That means GeneratePress websites often load much faster than their competitors, which can give you a nice edge. It also includes per page layout controls for customization with Elementor.

4. Hestia


Hestia is a very flexible theme you can use for business sites, online stores, portfolios, and more. When you pair it with Elementor, the theme becomes even more versatile, while retaining its modern style.

5. Astra


Astra packs an excellent mix of customizability and amazing performance. You can use this theme to build blogs, portfolios, and even online stores. It also offers native Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) support out of the box, which makes it great for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). If you’re willing to pay, you can also access its library of unique Elementor widgets.

6. OceanWP


Out of all free WordPress themes, OceanWP is right near the front of the pack due to its sheer number of features. You can use this multipurpose theme to build almost any type of site you want, and complement its functionality with add-ons if needed.

7. Neve


Neve is a lightweight theme that can be a perfect fit for many types of projects. Blogs, agency websites, and online stores in particular can benefit from its minimalist style.

8. Phlox


This modern multi-purpose theme fits together with Elementor like peanut butter and jelly. It’s easy to customize, and comes with plenty of templates and full demos you can use with Elementor to get your website ready faster.

9. Hello Elementor


A plain-vanilla & lightweight theme for Elementor page builder

10. ColorWay


ColorWay is a one-size-fits-all theme built with performance in mind. Its clean design is a fantastic fit for business websites, agencies, portfolios, and more. By offering several pre-built sites you can personalize with Elementor, ColorWay makes site building and customization fast and easy.




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